Save the Salmon & Puget Sound Orcas – Free the Snake River!

In response to Rep. Simpson’s plan for breaching the Lower Snake River Dams, Rep. Blumenauer said, “It’s clear that the status quo is not working. It is an existential threat to iconic fish species, to indigenous ways of life, and to sustainability and prosperity throughout the region. We have an opportunity to end this cycle of conflict, degradation, and regional uncertainty.”

Learn more and explore all the work the organizations listed below are doing! Check the Research tab for more in-depth info!

The ACT! tab will take you straight to petitions and easy access to your representatives. Be heard and be loud! Free the Snake!

(This site is a work in progress! Feel free to contact us!)

Dam Sense

Great documentary and ongoing activism for breaching dams worldwide.

Endangered Species Coalition

Under their ‘What we do’ go to ‘Our Campaigns’ and find their petition for the Southern Resident Orcas!

Center For Whale Research

Founder Ken Balcomb, the most well-known scientist of the Southern Resident Orcas. Lots of information. Click on their ‘Action’ link and scroll down and then click on ‘Speak Up.’

PNW Protectors

Great resource of information. Scroll down on the homepage to take action and sign their petition!

Save Our Wild Salmon

Save Our wild Salmon is a diverse, nationwide coalition working together to restore wild salmon and steelhead to the rivers, streams and marine waters of the Pacific Northwest for the benefit of our region’s ecology, economy and culture.

Northwest Steelheaders

Recreational fishermen also want to save the Chinook salmon and breach the Lower Snake River Dams! They hold a lot of fun Flotillas for the best causes- protect our waters!

Center for Biological Diversity

Go to ‘Species’ and scroll down to the ‘Southern Resident Killer Whales’ tab.

Dam Watch International

A lot of information and educational materials supporting breaching dams.

Snake River Savers

Connected with the Endangered Species Coalition! Click on their website and scroll to the bottom where you can sign the petition for our local (WA, OR, ID) representatives to help breach the dams!

Columbia River Inter-Tribal Coalition

So much information about the tribes directly affected by the nearly extinct salmon and what they are doing about it.

Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment

The Nez Perce (Nimiipuu) Tribe is a big supporter of breaching the Lower Snake River Dams. Check out their website!


Sierra Club Washington Chapter

Environmentally active all over the country. Sign their petitions!

Sacred Sea
Sacred Sea & Lummi Nation

Your tax-deductible donations to Sacred Lands Conservancy 501(c)(3) doing business as Sacred Sea​ directly supports the Salish Sea Campaign and the work to bring Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut (Tokitae/Lolita) home. Hy’shqe!


They support a lot of environmental action and great documentaries!

The Grand Salmon
The Grand Salmon Source to Sea

4 women-3 rivers-3 endangered salmon species-1000+miles-8 dams-1 mine-1 film

Great Old Broads

Great Old Broads for Wilderness

The Great Old Broads for Wilderness and our partners are speaking up against the demise of these critically endangered species and supporting restoration of free-flow and a natural ecosystem on the Lower Snake.

North Olympic Orca Pod

North Olympic Orca Pod

Concerned advocates for the Southern Resident Orcas and beyond! And they wear Orca Costumes!

Join the Facebook Group

Snake River Waterkeepers

Info about water pollution and safety for swimming, fishing, and water quality.